Family Stories

Believe and You Will Know

I always knew if I were to have a baby, it would be at home. I wasn’t a main stream doctor or hospital type of person. I could not envision the so called ‘safe’ or ‘just in case you need it for an emergency’ hospital birth.

Where My Homebirths Began

Where My Homebirths Began

In addition to the beauty and sacredness of the birth itself, being able to labor in my own home was a comfort that no hospital or birth center could duplicate.

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My Journey, One Birth, One Baby At A Time

My Journey, One Birth, One Baby At A Time

When I was pregnant with my first son, my mother and grandmother told me that they had given birth without any medication. They believed that I could do it like all the other women in our Russian family. I wanted to have a natural birth to make them proud of me although I did not know anything about the benefits of natural birth.

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You Are Angels

You Are Angels

I think your midwifery slogan should be “angels supporting the delivery of your angel”.

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